Our mental health is one of our greatest assets. It can be hard to stay in top shape mentally, and the last twelve months have ensured that everyone’s mental health has taken some form of hit. It is important to remember that you don’t need to struggle alone. There is a large community of people ready and willing to help and support you. We have gathered a list of groups available for you to reach out for assistance and help. Most of these services are free or covered by Medicare or your employers insurance scheme.
24/7 Helplines.
Anxiety, depression and other mental health conditions can strike at any time. If you are worried about yourself, someone else or you just need someone to talk to then you can contact these groups 24/7.
Beyond Blue
This service offers 24/7 access to a qualified medical or mental health professional online or over the phone. All calls are confidential and the service is funded by Medibank and the federal government.
Phone: 1300 22 46 36
Lifeline is a phone line that provides mental health assistance and sucide prevention at any time of day and night. This service is fully funded so it is free for you to use. The Lifeline volunteers undergo stringent mental health training in order to ensure they can help and assist all members of the community respectfully.
Phone: 131 114
Kids Lifeline
Qualified counsellors are available 24/7 to talk to young people aged 5-25 years old. The services are accessible through WebChat, phone or email. The website is broken up by age group to ensure children and young people are getting the best advice for their age. Resources are also available for teachers and parents.
Phone: 1800 551 800
In-Person Services
COPMI (Children of Parents with a Mental Illness)
COPMI is a service that provides courses and knowledge to children of parents will mental illnesses as well as practitioners who lead them through this stage of life. It is a great service that has been rolled out nationwide in an effort to break stigma, provide support and raise awareness.
NSW Service for the Treatment and Rehabilitation of Torture and Trauma Survivors (STARTTS)
This is a service for anyone who has undergone tortue and trauma – everyone from soldiers to refugees can access this support. They offer counselling, camps for youth and children who are recovering from trauma and group support programmes.
ACON (LGBTQI+ Services)
Mental health services can be intimidating for those from the LGBTQI+ community. ACON is a service specifically for the LGBTQI+ community, offering assistance, support and counselling including HIV counselling, substance abuse support and after care for those who have tried to take their own lives.
Thirrili (Indiginous Critical Response Services)
Thirrili offers unique services, where they do not just work with the individual but also with the greater Indiginous community. Thirrili works with elders, mob educators, and they are currently researching a long term sucide prevention solution.
No matter what your mental health needs may be there is a support service in your community ready to help and assist you get through.
What kind of Mental Health Help is available in your Community